Andy Ng

Software Engineer
Bay Area, California



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Cup Fund e-commerce Portal


Cup Fund e-commerce Portal

Bringing a physical store to the digital age

The Cup Fund web store is a web application I worked on to bring a physical process to a digital form. Items sold at the Cup Fund web portal go towards a non-profit fund for Starbucks Partners in need of financial assistance.

Languages: Javascript/HTML/CSS

Access to the portal is restricted to Starbucks Partners

Developer: Andy Ng

React & node.js

UI Framework: Starbucks Pattern Library (CXE) proprietary

Azure (Infrastructure)
Azure Storage Account (Images)
Cosmo DB (DB)
Express.js (Web Server)
PayPal (Payment)

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Argon React Scheduler


Argon React Scheduler

Remake of Manoa Scheduler as a Web App

This is a rebuild of an Android based project I worked on. The application periodically pulls course information from the University of Hawaii coure catalog and allows users to build course schedules and avoid course overlaps by selecting courses. The app supports a course schedule generation functionality which automatically builds potential schedules based on selected courses.

Note this project is still in development

Languages: HTML/CSS/Javascript and Python

Note that the backend is currently not running

Click to visit Webapp

Developer: Andy Ng

React & node.js

UI Framework:
Boostrap & Argon UI

Google Cloud Platform
MongoDB Atlas (DB)
Express.js (API)
Python Flask (API)

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Vue Days Since


Vue Days Since

Minimalist Web App for Tracking Days since a Date

vue-days-since is a simple web app for tracking days elapsed since a specific date. In contrasts to typical planners, the app tracks the past. Data is stored in a MongoDB on the Atlas platform and authentication is achieved using Auth0.

Note this project is still in development

Languages: HTML/CSS/Javascript and Python

Note that the backend is currently not running

Click to visit Webapp

Developer: Andy Ng

Vue & node.js

UI Framework:

MongoDB Atlas

Authentication: Auth0

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Sudoku App


Sudoku App

Sudoku Game Application for Windows

Windows application for playing Sudoku. You can solve puzzles of three difficulities (easy, medium, hard). Use the Keyboard and mouse to control the interface.

Includes built in Sudoku Puzzle solver

Languages: C++

Application Page

Team Lead: Andy Ng

Jason Tanabe
Andy Ng

Framework: SFML

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Pandemic Unemployment Assistance - State of Hawaii - FAST Enterprises

The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program or PUA is on online webportal built for the Department of Labor to faciliate distributing monetary assistance to eligible folks impacted by COVID-19.

Since Unemployment Insurance doesn't apply to populations such as gig workers, a subset of the public had been unproportionately impacted by the pandemic and did not qualify for existing means of assistance.

The CARES act was passed by congress to address this, however states were each responsible for determining the means of distributing the funds to those who were eligible.

My role on the project was Tech Lead for PUA for the State of Hawaii under FAST Enterprises: I would help build interfaces with Wells Fargo, the Department of Labor and Department Taxation in order to securely exchange necessary information for the program to distribute funds accurately and securely. Other responsibilities included monitoring performance and errors, UX tweaks per business requirements, and faciliating testing and development.

We successfully deployed the PUA System over the course three 1-week sprints following the agile methodology.

Architect: Kara Beck

Team Developers:
Andy Ng
Curtis James
Kathy Jones
Bryan Pineda

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Self-Navigating Robot - Team 0xFFFF - 2nd Place - Side Sensor Division

The micromouse is a self navigating robot with the goal of reaching the center of a maze


•Two Stepper Motors
•Infrared Proximity Sensor (Sharp GP2Y0A21YK)
•dsPic33F Microcontroller
•Two Darlington Array ICs
•Various capacitors, resistors, voltage regulators


The software consisted of three modules: ADC (Analog Digital Conversion), Motor Controller and Navigation Module.

The ADC module's purpose is to convert analog inputs from the PIC controller into a digital value we can work with. The module utilized interrupts to prioritize inputs from the proximity sensors for processing. The motor control module is used the drive stepper motors to move and turn the mouse. The navigation module utilized the motor controller and ADC module to control where the mouse went based on sensor inputs. Unfortunately due to our proximity sensors having blind spots, the sensors needed to point to cell (rather that the cell the mouse was on) which resulted in less than ideal navigation (essentially navigating blind in center scenarios).

Languages: C

Click to see pictures

Software Team: Andy Ng

Hardware Team:
Matthew Shinsato
Tyler Isono

Hardware Source:

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Manoa Scheduler


Manoa Scheduler

Android Application for Building Course Schedules for Manoa Students

The Manoa Scheduler is an application that builds course schedules for students based on their selected Courses. The application allows simple build (student selects a specific course and adds it to their schedule) or automated schedule generation which can use generics (any instance of a course type such as General Chemistry 1) or a combination of both generics and specific course CRN's.

The application automatically detects time conflicts and flags them

The application pulls data directly from the school Course Catalog with its built in multi-threaded parser and indexes it in a local SQLite Database. The application also supports partial sync to update course availibility based on Seating.

Other features include filter functionality for couse times and dates as well as a visualizer for seeing how courses stack up in a schedule

Languages: Java

Visit application website

Andy Ng
James Hartman

Platform: Android

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Hawaii Tax System


Hawaii Tax System

Full Stack Development for GenTax - State of Hawaii - FAST Enterprises

The goal of the project was to improve business effiiency and replace the aging hardware and software infrastructure used by the Department of Taxation for managing taxes and revenue for the State of Hawaii.

My primary role for the Tax System Modernization project was Data Conversion. Due to architectural differences between the legacy system and GenTax solution, I worked with a sub-team of 4 over the past five years to perform ETL duties and move the data efficiently and accurately.

Other responsibilities on project include UX modifications to fit business workflow, develope interfaces, build business processes, monitor/remote management of technology stack and performance tuning.

As of September 3, 2019, we had successfully completed full deployment of the system.

Languages: .NET, T-SQL, RESTful Interfaces

James Doucette
Kara Beck

Total Team of 10-20
Andy Ng


A little about myself

My name is Andy, I was born and raised in San Francisco, California. I grew up with a strong interest in technology which lead me towards me pursuing a Computer Engineering degree from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Whenever I get the chance, I'll read about new technology, seek out new food and travel.

I have professionally worked on Web based applications in agile development environments and scrum teams to deploy projects on a strict timeline and budget.

Previously I have worked at Starbucks as a fullstack Software Engineer and developed with Node.js & TypeScript on a daily basis for various React based web applcations.

Currently I work at LinkedIn as a Senior Frontend Software Engineer.

C# / ASP.NET & Core / VB.NET
TypeScript, JavaScript, React, HTML5, CSS, Vue, JQuery/UI
MongoDB (Atlas & CosmoDB)
C++ / C
Azure (most experience), Google Cloud & AWS


My teams


Senior Software Engineer
Less than 1 Year

June 2022 - Current



Sales Solution Team, Growth & Acquisition

Senior Software Engineer:
June 2022 - Current


Software Engineer II
About 1 Year

August 2021 - June 2022



Cloud and Mobile Applications & Retail Engineering Starbucks Technology
Seattle, WA - Software Engineer

Full Stack Developer for Cup Fund e-commerce web app.

Frontend and Middleware developer for Multi Device Enablement Project (Progressive Web Applications deployed to iPads used by employees at Retail Starbucks locations

TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, React, Node.Js, ComsoDB
ScyllaDB, DB2, MongoDB, Redux, RTK Query, GraphQL
Kubernetes, Azure, GIT

Software Engineer II:
August 2021 - Current

Washington Department of Health

Software Engineer
About 1 Year

Nov 2020 - August 2021


Washington Department of Health

Full Stack Development
Olympia, WA - Software Developer
• Software Developer for WELRS (Washington Electronic Lab Reporting System) Enhancement Project
• Recreate existing Windows based GUI application as an MVC Web App using HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue, C#, MVC, ASP.NET, T-SQL
• Developer on Azure and used Azure Functions & Message Queues for asynchronous processing
• Development in an agile environment with fast paced testing and deployment schedules

Software Developer:
Nov 2020 - Current

FAST Enterprises

Software Engineer
Multiple Positions
5 Years

May 2014 - Jun 2020


FAST Enterprises

Full Stack Development
Honolulu, HI - Tech Team
• Built and maintained interfaces for secure data exchange as well facilitated testing and deployment with external vendors across multiple timezones
• Responsible for technology stack running on a running on a VMware Hypervisor (ESXi) through performance tuning, error monitoring for daily processing and responding to issues off-hours
• Facilitated merging core and architecture code updates to production

Honolulu, HI - Conversion Developer & Manager
• Fullstack development software on .NET framework
• ETL through scripting in T-SQL and Oracle, and multithreaded code for distributing loads across multiple application servers
• Converted 2.6 million customers and over 4 million accounts with billions of dollars in financials
• Organized and ran meetings with government stakeholders for business requirements, data reconciliation and project sign off
• Produced extensive documentation and deliverables for businesses processes built to meet service level agreements
• Worked extensively with XML for data exchange with IRS for individual income tax return processing (Modernized e-File)

Atlanta, GA - Software Developer Intern
Worked directly with users to improve user experience and correct functionality issues.

Tech Team:
Sep 2019 - Jun 2020

Conversion Manager:
Nov 2018 - Aug 2019

Conversion Developer:
Aug 2015 – Nov 2018

Software Intern:
May 2014 – Aug 2014


Where I studied

University of Hawaii, Manoa 2011-2015
Bachelors of Science, Computer Engineering

Overall GPA 3.5
Major GPA 3.6


Reach out
